If you would like to make a fresh start and learn new skills, improve your health and well-being and get involved in your local community, sign up for a FREE training placement at ActivGardens!
Working at your own pace, in a friendly, welcoming environment, under the guidance of horticultural trainers and volunteer mentors, you will gain a range of practical gardening and/ or nursery experience, with opportunities to take part in other activities, including cooking, beekeeping, construction and carpentry, assisting others and helping organise and run events and group visits.

Course 1: Wednesday 25 January to Thursday 2 March 2017
Course 2: Wednesday 8 March to Thursday 13 April 2017

Range of work experience including:
 Readiness for work
 Developing an enterprise
 Garden maintenance
 Events and PR
 Basic construction
 Helping people with needs
 Use of garden machinery
 Cooking from scratch
 Nursery plant production
 Conservation work and beekeeping

 Learn new skills for employment and enterprise.
 Feel more confident in own abilities, continue volunteering, move into further training / learning, develop an enterprise/ apply for a job, make contacts for work.
 Become more active in the great outdoors! Grow vegetables and have access to fresh produce, learn basic cooking skills.
 Improve health and well-being – both physically and mentally.
 Make friends, build social networks and feel a part of their community through active citizenship.
 Use and improve a local green space and learn about sustainable lifestyles.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact ActivLives on 01473 345350 or email jo@activlives.org.uk
Visit www.activlives.org.uk/activgardens to find out more about us.