What is it?
The Lunch Club provides a nutritious hot two course meal, at an affordable price for people aged 50 plus. Lunch club is open on Tuesdays, and are run by a dedicated team of volunteers, who provide up to 30 hot meals every week.
St Mary at Stoke Lunch Club – St Mary at Stoke Church Hall, Stoke Street, Ipswich, IP2 8DA
This Lunch Club provides more than just a lunch:
Better Balance Session – Doors open at 10am and at 10.30am a Better Balance (seated/standing) activity session is held for an hour, to help people improve their balance, strength and co-ordination and prevent falls and fractures.
The Lunch Club – serves lunch at 12 noon – 1.30pm.
Afternoon ActivSingers – From 1.45pm – 3.45pm. ActivSingers meet every other Tuesday to enjoy 2 hours of community singing.
The Benefits:
- Welcoming, friendly and supportive environment
- Mental and physical stimulation
- Maintaining independence
- Reduced isolation and loneliness
- Meeting and making new friends
- Improved health & nutrition
- Re-acquaint with old friends
- Volunteering opportunities
- Outings and Social activity
- Opportunities to participate in different activities
- Advice and Information
If you would like to attend either of our Lunch Clubs, please contact the Main Office on 01473 345350.

Mrs H is 98 years old and has been attending the Better Balance session and Lunch Club for 9 years now. Mrs H still lives on her own with the support of her daughter who lives locally. Mrs H joined the session, because her daughter was concerned that her mobility was deteriorating and she was becoming housebound and was very lonely. Mrs H loves attending the Better Balance session, as well as the St Mary at Stoke Lunch Club and ActivSports session in the afternoon. Her mobility improved so much that she started catching the bus to the sessions and walking everyday around her estate to build her strength and stamina. Mrs H’s mobility has decreased with her age and health problems that she has developed over the years. However, Mrs H is always one of the first members to agree to return to the Better Balance session after the lockdowns and thoroughly enjoys taking part. She is missing having her lunch and taking part in the ActivSports session, but is pleased to be back seeing other members and having a cheeky joke with the instructor.