ActivLives is organising its next inclusive event – the ActivLives ‘Big Boccia Bash’ on Wednesday 25th September, 10.30-2.30 at Gainsborough Sports Centre, Ipswich, IP3 0SP.

The event will be a celebration of National Boccia Day, being held that week, and will consist of a variety of boccia skills and fun team challenges followed by a mini-tournament – We would love you to join us.

There is no need to pre-enter for this one, although it is really helpful if we know who is likely to be coming along, in advance. The ‘Big Boccia Bash’ is open to anyone (16 years+), who would like to have a go at the great sport of boccia.

If you would like to be involved, as a player(s), or as a volunteer, please do let us know by the 18th September, it really helps us with planning for the day.

Boccia England is one of the supporters of this upcoming event.

 “We are delighted that ActivLives are organising a ‘Big Boccia Bash’ in Ipswich. We firmly believe that boccia is the most inclusive sport in the world and this event is a great way to show that off. We would urge anyone interested to give it a try – we know you will love it,” Will Evans, Head of Sport at Boccia England said.

ActivLives thanks Boccia England for their kind support with this event, and to Special Olympics Suffolk and Suffolk Community Foundation, for their continuing partnership work with us.

If you would like to take part in the ‘Big Boccia Bash’, and/or you would like to bring a group, we would love to hear from you! -END-