World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Tuesday 10 October is World Mental Health Day and regular exercise has been shown to have many positive benefits to physical and mental health. Physical activity can help with mood, managing stress, anxiety, better sleep, self esteem, connecting with people and reducing the risk of depression.

Our Step by Step Better Balance sessions look to improve older people’s confidence when waking and moving around, the benefits can be astounding. We spoke to a few of our current Better Balance members to find out how they found the sessions had improved their lives.

Step by step member quotes:

“The social aspect of the class is good for people living alone/following bereavement. I also enjoy the post exercise happy feeling”!

“I always look forward to the sessions, they help me to have some ‘me time’ from my caring roles”.

“I now enjoy going out and meeting local people”

For more information about the sessions we run please contact either Laura or Jemma. We also run many other groups in the community including, Activblooms, Activwalks, Activsport and Activhubs.

Jemma and Laura can be contacted by calling the office on 01473 345350 or emailing or

Mental Health Awareness week 15-21 May

Mental Health Awareness week 15-21 May

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and many of ActivLives’ activities specifically focus on helping people improve their mental health. This is done through our inclusive sports sessions, courses at our community gardens and many of our activity Hubs.

The positive links between physical activity and mental health are now very well-documented. Regular physical activity is widely recognised to foster a variety of mental health benefits including: improved mood, reductions in stress levels, improvements in self-esteem and its effectiveness in preventing and managing depression (Sport England, 2023).

Our ActivSport programme is designed to be accessible and fun, offering a range of different sports for people to try. Although many of the sessions are competitive the emphasis is on having fun, improving fitness and connecting with new friends through sport. Connection with other people and physical activity is known to help people improve their mental health. The positive benefits of exercise cannot be underestimated.

Find out more about our ActivSport programme here:

ActivLives also provides a variety of other positive activity opportunities, for example at the community gardens we have Grow Your Future coming up later this year, this is aimed at anyone over 16 years old and who is unemployed or economically inactive, and not engaging in education or training. The 12 week course will focus on gardening, horticulture and nature conservation and is certainly worth taking a look into if you need a change of direction.

Find out more about Grow Your Future here:

There is so much going on at ActivLives, you really are spoilt for choice of what to get involved in. If gardening or sport isn’t your thing then why not check out our specialist hubs. These are friendly groups that get together once a week to enjoy a craft session or activity, some sessions even provide lunch. They are a great way to meet new people and add some variety into your day!

Find out more about our ActivHubs here:

We also run singing sessions, singing is known to have beneficial impacts on people’s physical and mental health. Singing floods the brain with healthy chemicals, which gives a natural ‘high’, it also improves concentration, aids ‘muscle memory’ and boosts self-confidence and self-awareness.

Find out more about ActivSinging here:

Whatever activity you decide to take part in you’ll be sure of a warm welcome here at ActivLives, our motto is ActivLives changes lives and that is what were always aiming to do.

Job Vacancy: ActivAgeing Development Officer

Job Vacancy: ActivAgeing Development Officer

Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom


  • ActivLives, Ipswich IP2 0HH
  • £13 per hour (approx. £20,335 per annum)
  • 30 hours per week
  • Fixed term until 31 March 2024 (with a view to extending dependent upon renewed funding)
  • Reference: 0735
  • Required as soon as possible.

Do you have the passion and experience to help people aged 55 years over become more active through inclusive sport / physical activity and be able to work with partners / funders to develop initiatives to increase participation?

ActivLives is a local charity that provides a wide range of positive activity opportunities across Ipswich and East Suffolk for people with a disability, younger adults with a Learning Disability, people aged 55 years and over and carers.

ActivLives is looking to appoint an ActivAgeing Development Officer to help develop inclusive sport / physical activities, with a particular focus on people aged 55 years and over, to be more active, improve their health and well-being and enable them to be more connected with the community, reducing loneliness and social isolation. The ActivAgeing Development Officer will work closely with different communities, individuals, organisations and groups across Ipswich and East Suffolk and engage with a wide variety of people who could benefit from involvement with an accessible and inclusive sport and physical activity programme.

You must have at least 2 years’ sport and/or physical activity experience, have the ability to work under pressure, manage competing priorities in a busy environment, be able to work on your own initiative whilst being part of a team, motivate others and be able to relate to a wide variety of individuals and groups.

This post will involve the delivery of community sport sessions as well as development work. This is a fantastic opportunity for a suitably qualified person to be part of an exciting project within a small and supportive organisation, that has an excellent reputation in this field of community provision.

To find out more:

For an informal chat about the post, please call the main office on: (01473) 345350 and ask for Cynthia. Please see for more general information about ActivLives.

How to apply:

To apply, please complete the application form and read the job description below.

Application Form:

Job Description:

Please email completed application forms to: or post to ActivLives, Brightspace, 160 Hadleigh Road, Ipswich IP2 0HH (FAO Cynthia Glinos)

Closing date: 9am, 9 January 2023.

Interview date: 16 January 2023.

Job Vacancy: ActivAgeing Development Officer

Vacancy – ActivLives Trustees

ActivLives is seeking new Trustees to bring skills, expertise and passion to enable the organisation to grow and become a sustainable Charity now and in the future.

ActivLives is a grassroots charity, working in areas of urban and rural deprivation in Ipswich and Suffolk to help people build healthy, resilient and positive lives. Our projects are aimed at people living in challenging circumstances associated with a combination of factors such as social isolation, mental and physical ill health, long-term unemployment/ economic inactivity, caring responsibilities, additional needs, and lack of opportunity. Our mission is to support and empower people to lead full and active lives by – improving their health and well-being, becoming part of a strong, resilient community, and engaging in new learning and volunteering opportunities.

ActivLives has two main strands:

  • ActivAgeing enables older people, carers and people living with dementia to improve their physical and mental health and establish social networks through lunch clubs, specialist hubs, health walks, inclusive sport, better balance / falls prevention sessions and community singing.
  • ActivGardens provide a diverse range of activities and opportunities at our community gardens, and in other community green spaces and venues, throughout the week, including volunteering, work experience and learning/ training programmes in horticulture/ gardening; beekeeping and nature conservation; woodworking and construction at ActivSheds project; and gatherings and events – to bring people together and reach the wider community.

We are seeking Trustees with Voluntary / Charity sector experience, with a range of skills for example PR and Marketing, Fundraising and Events, Business / Community Development or the Health and Social Sector. We welcome applications regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief. Applicants should be 18 years and over.

The Trustee Board is responsibility for overseeing the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, ensuring financial stability and making sure the organisation pursues its objectives and complies with its governing document.  Trustees work closely with staff and volunteers to set the strategic direction of the Charity, and provides support to the CEO and staff to carry this out.

Qualities we are looking for this role is integrity, good judgement, confidentiality, strategic vision, personal experience and team working.

Although minimum commitment is to attend monthly Trustee Board meetings, Trustees are required to prepare for the meetings by reading any papers / reports circulated beforehand. Meetings are usually held on Thursdays from 6pm – 8pm, in the Boardroom at Brightspace, 160 Hadleigh Rd, Ipswich, IP2 0HH. There are facilities for attendance via zoom. Trustees can get involved in other ways depending on their skills, experience and interests such as helping with visits by key stakeholders, helping at events or festivals, as well as representing the Charity at various functions.

For further information about this role and how to apply, please contact the main office on 01473 345350 or email the CEO on

Contact details – ActivLives, Brightspace, 160 Hadleigh Road, Ipswich, IP2 0HH