Festival Growers!
FolkEast is a festival that brings together thousands of folk lovers to enjoy a weekend of live music, local beer and general folkiness all in the beautiful grounds of Glemham Hall.
Along with the entertainment, there’s also stalls and displays – the stalls are mostly local companies who specialise in hand crafted items – there was a stall who crafts statues out of tree stumps using a chainsaw, and one who makes their own cotton free tshirts. As I said – it’s definitely folky.
FolkEast approached us and asked if we could supply them with some flowers for a municipal roundabout that they’d made – so on the day before the festival started, Susannah and her team went down to the garden and picked up a van load of flowers then headed to the festival.
Once they got there they laid out the flowers in a circle around two giant plastic heads – these were the central attraction of the roundabout – the Easter Island heads. Along with a large plastic palm tree in the middle.
The roundabout was in prime real-estate, right by the archway to the infamous GetOnThe Soapbox Stage – so it got plenty of attention.
Photos taken by our very own Sam, who was playing on the Soapbox Stage with his band; Elephant in the Room.