Reptiles will be a main attraction at ActivLives 7th annual event, The Big Garden Party 2015, hosted by ActivLives People’s Community Garden, Maidenhall Residents Association and Maidenhall Allotments. We pride ourselves on our wildlife-friendly garden and have found lizards resident on site, and to celebrate this we have invited Mr Bean to bring his reptile rescue collection for people to understand such creatures a little better.

Each year, the Big Garden Party brings hundreds of people together to enjoy the community garden, and appreciate all of the hard work that has gone into developing it. You will be able to pick up some great plants and have a chance to meet our bees as well as getting involved with pond-dipping and bug-hunting.  This year we are celebrating the ‘Year of the Sunflower’, so feel free to dress according to the theme!

On the green sward, Suffolk Police will be taking centre stage with their tractor and patrol car, and you will also be able to meet Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service with their fire engine. Children can have a go at circus skills and get their face painted – another chance to look like a sunflower or perhaps a lizard or snake! Maidenhall Allotments Association will have their usual impressive array of produce, cakes and jams, and there will be a host of stalls and activities, including crafts and jewellery. There will also be the opportunity to pick up a prize on our raffle and tombola.

At the Pavilion, Maidenhall Residents’ Association will be busy serving teas and coffees, alongside the CRESS café’s homemade quiche and sandwiches, as well as running stalls and giving children a chance to hook a duck… or a frog! A carousel and bouncy castle will keep children smiling as our headlining band, Roach, adds their own special flavour to the day. Other musicians and the ever popular Keep On Rockin’ ActivLives choir will also be performing in the Welcome Area.

If you are feeling peckish, there will be lots of food to choose from, including authentic Kurdish cuisine, courtesy of the Suffolk Refugee Forum, stone baked pizza and a hearty barbeque. You can round it all off with delicious cakes, or even some Alder Tree ice cream.

For more information, or if you would like to hold an activity/ stand at future events, please contact ActivLives on 01473 345350.