Time to Talk Day 2024

Time to Talk Day 2024

Thursday 1 February 2024 is Time to Talk Day, it’s the nations’s biggest mental health conversation. Happening every year, it’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives.

Much of ActivLive’s activities and projects focuses on helping to improve people’s mental health and to reflect that today is ‘Time to Talk Day’ we asked a few of our staff members to write us a sentence or two about how their activities can help people living with mental health problems.

ActivSport Manager Mike:

‘Sport and physical activity can be a great way of focussing on something positive. You get caught up in the moment (in a good way!), whilst playing the game, it leaves you feeling great afterwards.’

To find out more about our ActivSport programme please click here  

ActivGardens Manager Susannah:

‘Getting into the Great Outdoors is a wonderful way of making you feel better – doing some gardening, getting involved in nature conservation, or simply taking a walk or sitting in a green space listening to the birds or chatting to other people. We offer all this at ActivGardens’

As one volunteer said: “You leave your troubles at the gate.”

  • Gardening In Mind – Free course supporting mental wellbeing starts NEXT week – Find out more here
  • Beekeeping starts up in April – Find out more here

To find out more about ActivGardens please click here 

ActivCommunity Support Worker Moira

The final word goes to Moira who is our new ActivCommunity Support Worker:

‘Its good to feel joy, happiness and laughter with others. Socialising with others or joining in with a new activity is good for the mind and body.’

You can find more about Time to Talk Day here

Time to Talk Day 2024

Happy New Year from ActivLives

Everyone at ActivLives would like to wish you a Happy New Year!

We’re back up and running for 2024 and it would be lovely to see you at one of our activities. There are loads of different things to choose from so if you wanted to get involved in some sport, improve your balance, join a singing session or take on some gardening duties why not take a look around our website to find out more and then get in touch with the office to chat with the team!

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to all ActivLives volunteers who help keep our activities and gardens running across the organisation. We hope everyone had a lovely break and now we are all systems go for the New Year. And of course, not forgetting a few of the staff and Trustees getting together to celebrate the end of the year and looking forward to an even better 2004.

ActivSport – https://activlives.org.uk/activsports/

ActivHubs – https://activlives.org.uk/activhubs/

ActivSinging – https://activlives.org.uk/activsingers/

ActivGardens – https://activlives.org.uk/activgardens/

To get in touch give the office a call on 01473 345350.

Here’s to a fantastic 2024, may it be filled with plenty of fun, new friends and fantastic new experiences!

A big thank you to Ipswich Wanderers!

A huge thank you to Ipswich Wanderers FC for choosing ActivLives as their ‘Charity of the Season 23 – 24’. It was great to see the sign in situ and lovely to meet everyone at the Sponsors Lunch.

We kickstarted the fundraising year with a fun Quiz Night in August and I know Kelly and the Committee have plenty of ideas for future fundraising events, which  ActivLives will certainly be involved with. Enabling people to participate in any activity, whatever it may be, is really important, particularly for older adults, people with long-term health conditions, mental health needs and people with disability.

So, this partnership with Ipswich Wanderers FC fits well with both the Club and what ActivLives is all about, keeping people active and connected.

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Tuesday 10 October is World Mental Health Day and regular exercise has been shown to have many positive benefits to physical and mental health. Physical activity can help with mood, managing stress, anxiety, better sleep, self esteem, connecting with people and reducing the risk of depression.

Our Step by Step Better Balance sessions look to improve older people’s confidence when waking and moving around, the benefits can be astounding. We spoke to a few of our current Better Balance members to find out how they found the sessions had improved their lives.

Step by step member quotes:

“The social aspect of the class is good for people living alone/following bereavement. I also enjoy the post exercise happy feeling”!

“I always look forward to the sessions, they help me to have some ‘me time’ from my caring roles”.

“I now enjoy going out and meeting local people”


For more information about the sessions we run please contact either Laura or Jemma. We also run many other groups in the community including, Activblooms, Activwalks, Activsport and Activhubs.

Jemma and Laura can be contacted by calling the office on 01473 345350 or emailing laura@activlives.org.uk or jemma@activlives.org.uk