Monday 5 June is World Environment Day and as ActivLives runs two community gardens in Ipswich it seemed only right that we marked the day. We’re set to welcome Ipswich Rotary Club to the People’s Community Garden for a day of environmental action!
And what a day we have planned… working alongside our garden volunteers the club will take in a tour of the site and also learn about creating better habitats for wild creatures to thrive in. This part of the day is practical so club members can expect to get their hands dirty!
After having a spot of lunch in the garden the Rotary club will then enjoy a talk on stag beetles by a local expert. Hopefully they will depart the day with ideas on how to improve and encourage more wildlife in their own back gardens and filled with new knowledge about stag beetles.
This year is the 50th Anniversary of World Environment Day and it exists to remind people to become more environmentally friendly and to protect the Earth through positive actions. This year’s theme is Beat Plastic Pollution, they are encouraging people to reach out to their governments to begin to tackle plastic pollution.
To find out more and to get involved why not visit the World Environment Day website below.