Numbers have grown steadily since last September and now 12 players play 6 a-side regularly at the Sports Centre. ActivLives is looking for more people to join the team and establish one of a number of new ActivHubs in Whitton, Whitehouse and Castle Hill. Julie Stokes CEO said, ‘NW Area Committee has funded ActivLives to develop ActivHubs in NW Ipswich to help motivate and support people 45 years and over to get active, improve their own health and reduce loneliness and isolation. When asked to help develop these sessions, we thought this was a fun way for people to be active and take part in a popular sport.’
One of the players Joe McCarley said, ‘I thought I had hung my football boots up for good, but this has given me another opportunity to kick a ball about and improve my fitness.’ Another member, Graham McNeal added that he trained as a football referee 42 years ago and hadn’t used this skill for many years. Joining the group meant that he could take part and help the other players have an enjoyable and safe game of walking football. The aim of the game is that players have to walk and pass the ball and are penalized if they run.
New sessions will be starting on Friday 25th April at 2pm at Whitton Sports Centre in the Sports Hall, only £3.00 per session. These sessions are excellent for people wanting to increase their physical activity levels at a steady pace and to meet and make new friends. Sessions are supervised by a trained football coach.
If you would like to find out more information about ActivLives or sign up to the group, please contact Julie on 01473 261112