One of the ways that they do this is through the ‘Everyday Activ – Ipswich’ initiative, which is run by ActivLives and supported by Ipswich Borough Council. This initiative is focussed particularly upon providing accessible sport and physical activity opportunities for mature adults. This initiative has recently had some new sessions introduced to the programme, including an ActivStretch class which starts on Thursday 10th January 10.30am-12noon at All Hallows Church Hall, Landseer Road, Ipswich.
“We run many sessions as part of the Everyday Activ – Ipswich programme and one thing that keeps coming up is the importance of remaining flexible and keeping the joints mobile” said Sophie Barber from ActivLives. “This session is aimed at exactly that, some stretching and gentle mobility to keep the muscles and joints moving in order to make everyday tasks, such as putting on socks or reaching up to the cupboard, that little bit easier. The session also includes a cup of tea as well!” added Sophie. “All of our sessions are very sociable and friendly and new participants are always very welcome. You don’t have to have any prior experience or be sporty in anyway, just wear some loose clothing and suitable flat footwear. Like all of our activities, the first session to new participants is free, so why not give it a go!”
“The ‘Everyday Activ-Ipswich’ programme is sport and physical activity which is adapted to suit people who might find mainstream sports clubs or centres a little daunting”, explained Mike McCarthy from ActivLives. “Most of our participants are over 60 years old with many in their 80’s! We offer all sorts of activities including Walking Football, Boccia, Badminton, Ping Pong and Bowls”.
One of the regular participants commented “whilst we are all here enjoying ourselves and each other’s company, we’re not sitting in the Doctors surgery are we!”
The ActivStretch class is just one of three new sessions that have been added to the already busy ‘Everyday Activ’ Programme for the New Year. As well as the ActivStretch group there is also a new Kurling session and Beginners Yoga class both being held on a Monday at the St Ralphael Club, Highfield Road, Ipswich. Both of these start back on Monday 21st January.
If you would like to find out more about the ‘Everyday Activ’ programme in Ipswich and how you can get involved, please contact ActivLives on 01473 345350 or email