The Special Olympics Eastern Region Badminton Tournament, which is being organised by Special Olympics Suffolk with the support of ActivLives and the Suffolk County Council ‘Most Active County’ initiative, will be held in Ipswich on Saturday 12th May.
“Special Olympics is sport for athletes with an intellectual disability and is the third element of the Olympic movement together with the
Paralympics and of course the Olympics themselves”, said Terry
McEntee, Chairman of Special Olympics Suffolk.
“This tournament will provide a great opportunity for our players in
Suffolk to compete against Special Olympians from across the country”, said Mike McCarthy from ActivLives and Special Olympics Suffolk.
The tournament, which will be a doubles competition, will serve as one of the last opportunities for selected players to prepare for the Special Olympics GB Anniversary Games which are being held in Stirling, Scotland this August.
The forthcoming competition in Ipswich will be restricted to players who are registered with Special Olympics GB, “We would love to get more
Special Olympic badminton players involved across our county”, said
If you would like to find out more about how you can play badminton with Special Olympics Suffolk, please contact Mike McCarthy on 01473
345350 or email