Help us raise £500 through the Asda Green Token scheme
We’re very happy to reveal that we’ve been chosen for Green Token Giving scheme at Asda Stoke Park. This amazing opportunity could be vital in helping us to continue our outreach and community work over the next few months. Voting is online and you can choose to give your green token to ActivLives, by doing so, your help could mean we receive £500 from the Asda Foundation.
ActivLives work includes running sports sessions, hosting singing clubs, Better Balance sessions and our ActivGardens which includes the People’s Community Garden and the Chantry Walled Garden. It’s a huge breadth of activities that aims to help isolated and lonely people who otherwise would struggle to engage with their community. You can see a flavour of our work in the community in our image above, it shows just a tiny amount of what we do and how we try and keep the community active and engaged.
You might be wondering how to vote for us online, well it’s super easy! Just head to asda.com/green-tokens type in Stoke Park into the box which says ‘select your local Asda store’ and then vote for ActivLives/ActivGardens.
The Green Token scheme is open right now and runs until Saturday 31 July so make sure to vote and then tell all of your family and friends to vote too. Everyone at ActivLives would like to thank you for your kind support and your vote to help get us to that £500 donation!
Get voting now and don’t forget we’re listed as ActivLives/ActivGardens: asda.com/green-tokens