Urban Buzz Ipswich
The UK has lost over 90% of its wildflower rich grassland since the 1940s, with a move towards more intensive farming and development being the two main causes for this loss of habitat. Many of our pollinator species are in decline with some species restricted to certain parts of the UK. Three bumblebee species have become extinct within the last 50 years with many other species at risk.
Why help pollinators?
If you enjoy chocolate, coffee, strawberries, apples, cherries, and many other of our fruits, vegetables and flowers then you need pollinators! One out of every three mouthfuls of food depends on insect pollination. We need to protect pollinators, as they provide us with all of these luxuries and more, as well as pollinating many of our much loved garden and wildflower plants, providing a service worth millions of pounds!
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Buglife The Invertebrate Conservation Trust is a registered charity at Bug House, Ham Lane, Orton Waterville, Peterborough, PE2 5UU
Registered Charity No: 1092293, Scottish Charity No: SC040004, Company No: 4132695