Jan 13, 2021 | ActivGardens, ActivHubs, ActivLives, ActivSinging, ActivSports
Due to the latest Government announcement and lockdown restrictions, ActivLives had to close all of our activity sessions again, including ActivSheds, the Sudbury project and limit the access to our two community gardens in Ipswich.
Staff are still able to access the office at Brightspace.
What are we doing during the Lockdown?
- We are monitoring the Covid-19 situation and Government announcements very closely and following strict guidance on hygiene / cleaning, social distancing and the wearing of face masks.
- The ActivOut and About Project continues to support people on a one to one basis who live on their own, are vulnerable or need some social contact and exercise to help with their physical / mental health. The walk may just be around the streets or in a park or green space. We are very grateful to Active Suffolk and Sport England for their support with this initiative. All our other ActivSports sessions are closed at the moment.
- Having been able to re-start our Step by Step (falls prevention) and ActivSteps sessions in Ipswich, Felixstowe, Woodbridge and Leiston, we have now had to close them all again. However, we are providing Better Balance sessions through live streaming on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning. If you would like to join one of the sessions with our OTAGO Instructors Del Keeble and Jo Powley contact Clare Macdonald at the main office on 01473 345350 for more information. We will restart face to face sessions, as soon as we are able. The Step by Step (Falls Prevention) programme is funded by Ipswich & East Suffolk CCG. We are still accepting referrals from health professionals, Social Prescribing Link workers and self-referral.
- It is very important that through the lockdowns or if you are shielding that you try and keep active. If you are not into live zooming, then why not visit our Activ@Home page on our website where you can find seated exercise videos with Jo. Please visit: https://activlives.org.uk/activhome/. You will also find quizzes, singing videos and lots more….
- Our Carers Elderflower Hub, Friday Friends Hub and our ActivSingers community singing groups remain closed, but we are keeping in contact with members and volunteers through regular welfare calls, WhatsApp groups and zoom singing sessions and socials.
- We are still working on the Bridging the Gap Project in partnership with NSFT / Willows Unit and the Recovery College and are currently working on a new ‘Connecting with Nature’ Webinar, which should be available in March.
- Our two lunch clubs at St Mary at Stoke Church & the Ipswich International Church remain closed but we are keeping in touch with members and volunteers. Hopefully, they will reopen again later in the year.
- Our Befriending / Welfare calls, shopping / food parcel delivery and medication collection will also continue, with our most vulnerable members / carers to help reduce their anxiety, loneliness and social isolation caused by the lockdown.
- ActivGardens – Our two Community Gardens in Ipswich are temporarily closed due to the current lockdown. Our provisional re-opening date is Monday 1st March. This also includes ActivSheds and ‘Grow Your Community’ in Sudbury’s park.
Essential work at the gardens and community apiary will continue with key volunteers and some placements will be able to continue to attend their programmes – by prior arrangement with staff.
- Please do keep in touch with all the activities at ActivGardens via the ActivLives website and social media, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need more information. Please visit: activlives.org.uk
We are obviously following Government COVID-19 Guidance to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers and members. We will reopen our activity sessions when it is safe to do so, but in the meantime, we will keep in touch with our members / volunteers to make sure they are OK and inform them of any developments with our activity and social programme.
A big thank you to all our funders and the amazing donations we have received to help the organisation through these unprecedented times and to the staff
and volunteers who have gone that extra mile to support our services and each other during the lockdowns. If you require any further information, please contact us on 01473 345350.
Please stay safe.
Julie Stokes CEO
Make sure you follow us on Facebook to keep up with everything – www.facebook.com/activlives
Jun 26, 2020 | ActivLives
Charities from Suffolk are appealing for the support of businesses across the county, in helping elderly and vulnerable people stay connected with crucial lifelines during the pandemic.
Suffolk Family Carers, ACE Anglia and Suffolk User Forum have identified dozens of individuals who are at risk of missing out on key service provision, or losing all family contact, because of a lack of technology and communication devices.
Alongside a number of other charities, the organisations have been battling on a daily basis to help vulnerable groups deal with a lack of tablets, laptops and mobile phones, as well as 4G or broadband – all of which would help individuals stay in touch, order groceries, or request repeat prescriptions.
The lack of technological devices also means such groups are at risk of missing out on key services and resources available in the community, because they are not able to search the internet.
Participation in the government’s new track and trace initiative will also be prohibitive.
Kirsten Alderson, CEO of Suffolk Family Carers, believes local businesses could play a key part in ensuring vulnerable individuals and households were better supported at this challenging time.
She said: “It’s very easy to assume that everyone has access to the internet these days, or that they can be in touch with friends and family via smartphones and tablet devices.
“The reality is, this simply isn’t the case. Every day we’re speaking to families or individuals who are being deprived of resources, or further isolated in their own lives, because of a lack of technology and communication.
“It would make the world of difference if we could encourage businesses within the county to play a part in helping us at this time of need.”
Some of the ways in which businesses might look to support the initiative, include:
- Donate equipment such as smart phones, tablets or laptops for vulnerable users. This could be used, but ideally would be new.
- Provide technical support services to help configure phones to meet specific user needs or a ‘helpdesk’ to walk people through any basic problems
- Prepare training materials for individuals who are learning how to use technology for the first time. This could take the form of a webinar or be face to face via zoom/MS teams etc
- Provide funding to allow the ongoing connection of the devices to mobile or broadband providers
Andrea Clark, of Ace Anglia, commented: “The Suffolk Learning Disability strategy promotes people living a good ordinary life with the right support at the right time.
“Ace Anglia believe that access to, and the use of technology is vital to support people with a learning disability and or Autism ‘to live good ordinary lives’.”
Jayne Stevens, of Suffolk User Forum, added: “We have completely changed the way we provide our support and know how vital regular contact is for the people who we reach out to.
“Whilst many of us are finding this a stressful time, for people living with mental health problems the impact of isolation can be almost unbearable.
We need to remember that many people cannot afford a smartphone, tablet or laptop and these are essential for staying connected with friends, family, professionals and for accessing online resources.
We are concerned that some of the people who need support most, are the ones missing out. That’s where the wider community can help.”
If you or your business can help, please contact Richard Smale on 07976 722629.
Jun 2, 2020 | ActivLives, ActivSports
The announcement has recently been made, by Special Olympics GB, that the National Summer Games, which were due to be held in Liverpool in August 2021, have been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Several of our ActivLives regulars had already been selected to participate in these Games as part of the Eastern Region Badminton and Boccia squads.
“This news has come as an enormous disappointment for all of those athletes who were so looking forward to the event in Liverpool. Despite the disappointment, we all understand why the decision to postpone has been taken by Special Olympics GB”, said Mike McCarthy from ActivLives.
The announcement, made by Special Olympics GB, included the following statement:
It was agreed by all, that given the heightened risk to the athletes with intellectual disabilities, who are some of the most vulnerable people in our society and the uncertainty surrounding the impact of Covid-19, postponement is the right decision to protect our athletes and the integrity of the Games. There have been additional fundraising challenges as Covid-19 has impacted the whole of society and in particular charity fundraising.
All of us at ActivLives very much hope that these Games will be able to be re-scheduled, hopefully in 2022, and that all of the athletes get the opportunity that they have earned, to represent our region on a national stage.
If you would like to find out more the full statement can be found at https://www.specialolympicsgb.org.uk/news-media/2021-special-olympics-gb-national-summer-games-postponed
May 29, 2020 | ActivLives
As with many Charities, social enterprises and community groups the Coronavirus lock-down has had a real impact both financially and the way that services are delivered to support people in the community, who are vulnerable and at risk. During the lockdown this is really important as vulnerable people are feeling even lonelier and cut off from family, friends and neighbours.
ActivLives is a local Charity that normally provides a wide range of face to face activities, for all ages, particularly older people and their carers, to keep people active and connected with the community and also provide volunteering and learning opportunities for people who want to share or learn new skills.
Ms Julie Stokes, ActivLives CEO, said “We had to close nearly all our activities down overnight, in Ipswich, East Suffolk and Sudbury. This was very upsetting and emotional for our staff and volunteers, as well as our members, many of them having to self-isolate as they fall in the ‘at risk’ category. So we were really grateful to receive funding from The Suffolk Coronavirus Fund to enable us to establish new and exciting initiatives to keep in touch with our members and volunteers, as well as, the general public.
The funding has enabled us to develop new ways of working to keep our groups connected, we have created WhatsApp groups, run Zoom Social and singing sessions and have set up a Befriending and health check telephone service so we can check our members are OK, if they need anything or just want to have a chat.’
An ActivSinger commented after a zoom singing session,’ I just wanted to say what a boost that gave my spirits. I’m at home alone, so bringing together a few of us and seeing their faces really made my day. Thank you ActivLives for organising.’
ActivLives also wants to support those people who don’t currently use their services, so people can join in with Activ@Home on the website www.activlives.org.uk , there are exercise videos, singing videos, quizzes and a reminiscence / arts project called ‘That Remind Me’ which includes a different theme each week and people can send in photos of what they have created themselves, with their family or people they care for.
The funding has also supported ActivLives, two ActivGardens, the People’s Community Garden and Chantry Walled Garden, which although are closed to the public, are still being maintained by staff and a small core group of dedicated volunteers who are growing vegetables for the local community and have established an on-line plant sales service, so that people who can’t get out, can order plants and have them delivered safely to their door.
A happy customer said, ‘We were thrilled with our plants and happy to support a good cause.’
If you would like to order plants please visit https://activlives.org.uk/activgardens/online/ or contact Susannah Robirosa on 07530407302.
Julie Stokes added, ‘The Suffolk Coronavirus Fund is certainly helping the voluntary sector and individuals to support those in need in the community during the Covid-19 lock-down, please donate what you can, it really can make a difference.’
ActivLives is currently looking at how they can re-open their activities in the future and what they will need to do to ensure the safety of their members and staff. For more information about the services ActivLives provides please contact 01473 345350.
May 22, 2020 | ActivGardens, ActivHubs, ActivLives, ActivSinging, ActivSports
The UK Government have recently published their Covid-19 Recovery Strategy, which includes a provisional timetable for changes to the restrictions that we are all experiencing.
You may be wondering what these changes have meant for our services and activities at ActivLives?
The changes that were implemented from 13th May (Step One), have made very little difference to what ActivLives are able to provide on a face to face basis. Although individually, we are now able to leave our home to exercise more often, drive further and even play some sports (such as golf), none of this changes are what ActivLives are able to provide in terms of projects and groups at this moment in time. This is due to the continued implementation of the social distancing rules and the restrictions on permitted social contact.
ActivGardens continue to be closed to the public, although a small team of staff and brilliant volunteers are still working to carry out essential work. We have however, taken this opportunity to launch our new on-line plant and produce sales with ‘ActivGardens Online’ https://activlives.org.uk/activgardens/online/
All other ActivLives projects continue to be suspended until further notice; these include all of our lunch clubs, exercise classes, inclusive sports groups and singing projects.
The next round of proposed changes (Step Two), are due to be implemented on the 1st June, these are also unlikely to change anything that we at ActivLives, are able to provide in terms of face to face services.
We are continuing to develop our on-line services including seated exercise routines, quizzes, a reminiscing project and sing-along sessions, which can all be found on our website at https://activlives.org.uk/activhome/
Be assured that we do plan to return to full operation, just as soon as we are permitted and of course, when it is safe to do so!
We will be working on our own ‘road map’ of how we can re-introduce sessions, in a safe and phased approach, when it is safe for us to do so. So please be patient and keep safe – We will meet again!
ActivLives Trustees
Julie Stokes – ActivLives CEO