Outdoor, socially distanced ActivSingers sessions was a great hit!

Outdoor, socially distanced ActivSingers sessions was a great hit!

Some of our ActivSingers got together at The People’s Community Garden last week to enjoy a socially distanced sing-along in the beautiful setting of our garden!

We ensured all of our members stuck to the current government socially distance rules for the whole session, but that didn’t stop the fun as members stood up at their chairs and had a boogie while singing some of their favourite tunes – see them singing and dancing to ‘Jambo Bwana’ among some beautiful plants in the video below:

We’re hoping to start up some of our sessions soon, starting with existing members. If you’re one of our members who regularly attend our sessions, we’ll be in touch soon!​

🚨 COVID-19 Hub Closures 🚨

🚨 COVID-19 Hub Closures 🚨

Due to the risk of Coronavirus, we have been advised by the NHS to close all of our hubs this week.
Some venues have decided to close before we could have this weeks session, but we’re trying our best to let all members that it effects know.

ActivGardens is currently unaffected. If anything changes, we will try and let all members & volunteers know ahead of time.

If you have any queries, please call us on 01473 345350.