Message from ActivLives – 19/05/2020

Message from ActivLives – 19/05/2020

The UK Government have recently published their Covid-19 Recovery Strategy, which includes a provisional timetable for changes to the restrictions that we are all experiencing.

You may be wondering what these changes have meant for our services and activities at ActivLives?

The changes that were implemented from 13th May (Step One), have made very little difference to what ActivLives are able to provide on a face to face basis. Although individually, we are now able to leave our home to exercise more often, drive further and even play some sports (such as golf), none of this changes are what ActivLives are able to provide in terms of projects and groups at this moment in time. This is due to the continued implementation of the social distancing rules and the restrictions on permitted social contact.

ActivGardens continue to be closed to the public, although a small team of staff and brilliant volunteers are still working to carry out essential work. We have however, taken this opportunity to launch our new on-line plant and produce sales with ‘ActivGardens Online’

All other ActivLives projects continue to be suspended until further notice; these include all of our lunch clubs, exercise classes, inclusive sports groups and singing projects.

The next round of proposed changes (Step Two), are due to be implemented on the 1st June, these are also unlikely to change anything that we at ActivLives, are able to provide in terms of face to face services.

We are continuing to develop our on-line services including seated exercise routines, quizzes, a reminiscing project and sing-along sessions, which can all be found on our website at

Be assured that we do plan to return to full operation, just as soon as we are permitted and of course, when it is safe to do so!    

We will be working on our own ‘road map’ of how we can re-introduce sessions, in a safe and phased approach, when it is safe for us to do so. So please be patient and keep safe – We will meet again!


ActivLives Trustees

Julie Stokes – ActivLives CEO

Sign up now for our next course to Grow Your Future!

Sign up now for our next course to Grow Your Future!

If you are looking for a new direction now spring is springing – how about taking part in a free outdoor-based learning programme at ActivGardens?

‘Grow Your Future’ will enable you to learn new skills and gain confidence on your way to further opportunities and employment.

The 12-week scheme will include garden maintenance, horticulture and environmental conservation, with a chance to get involved in specialist activities such as woodworking or bee-keeping.

Grow Your Future is for anyone aged 16+ who is unemployed or economically inactive, and encourages people who face barriers to work – such as a disability, health condition, or caring responsibilities.

  • Where? The People’s Community Garden, Maidenhall Allotments, Halifax Road, Ipswich IP2 8RE
  • When? The first session will be Monday 4th May or Friday 15th May (Friday 8th May is a public holiday).
  • Why not come to look around on Wednesdays in March or April? Just let us know when you’d like to come and our friendly team will welcome you and show your round, and you can sign up in advance of the start date.

The programme is funded by the European Social Fund and the Education & Skills funding Agency, and administered by LIFT Community Grants ‘Local Investment in Learning Paths to Work’.

  • If you would like to find out more, please contact Susannah on 07530 407302 or email or call ActivLives on 01473 345350.