Feb 11, 2020 | ActivGardens
Our first ActivGardens market of the year is combining with Easter-themed fun at the People’s Community Garden on Friday 17th April, 10am to 12.30pm, during school holidays.
There will be an Easter trail, children’s activities and a chance to explore our community garden on Maidenhall Allotments, Halifax Road, Ipswich IP2 8RE.
Meanwhile, at the CRESS Pavilion we will be offering seedlings to plant on your plot, bedding plants to spruce up your garden or windowsills, and freshly picked produce to perk you up after winter.
ActivSheds will be taking orders for bird tables and hedgehog homes to encourage wildlife to your garden or local green space, or perhaps you have a garden bench in need of renovation now it’s getting warm enough to sit outside.
The CRESS Café will be offering homemade cakes with a cuppa – so come along to enjoy the fun and get to know your neighbours.
There is parking in on site car park and in surrounding roads.
Address: CRESS Pavilion, Halifax Road, Ipswich IP2 8RE. The People’s Community Garden is a short walk away on Maidenhall Allotments.
Future dates for your diary:
- Saturday 23rd May 2020 – Chantry Walled Garden plant fair
- Friday 19th June 2020 – CRESS Community Market
- Saturday 25th July 2020 – Summer Event
Sep 28, 2018 | ActivGardens
Our stalls will be bursting with freshly picked fruit and vegetables grown at the community garden as part of our produce market on Friday 5th October, at the CRESS Pavilion, Halifax Road, Ipswich IP2 8RE, from 10am to 12.30pm.
There will also be a delicious selection of cakes and snacks made with our produce, together with tea, coffee and other refreshments, at the CRESS Café.
Hurry if you want one of our last few jars of honey. Thanks to everyone who has donated to our Communibees in the wake of the devastating fire last month.
Come and share the bounty, meet your neighbours, have a chat, and treat yourself to a cuppa and cake.
- ActivSheds has had a makeover – our members have almost finished the extension to enable people with disabilities to come and enjoy carpentry and construction, with funding from Suffolk Community Foundation. Please come to see the difference it has made.
There is parking on site and in surrounding roads. The CRESS Pavilion is fully accessible with a disabled toilet.
The last CRESS market 2018 is the Christmas special on Friday 7th December. We will take a break in November to give us time to prepare.
For more information, or if you would like to hold a stand or get involved, please contact ActivGardens Development Manager Susannah Robirosa on 07530 407302 or email susannah@activlives.org.uk or Danny Thorrington on 07532 794173 or email danny@activlives.org.uk. ActivLives office can be reached on: 01473 345350.
Aug 15, 2017 | ActivGardens
Friday 18th August 2017 – 10am – 12:30pm
CRESS Pavilion, Halifax Road, Ipswich, IP2 8RE – (Next to The People’s Community Garden)

Come along and buy some freshly picked produce, plants and flowers from ActivGardens. Plus honey from our bees, seasonal jam and chutney, crafts and other stalls. Light lunches made with allotment ingredients, tea, coffe & homemade cakes.
This is a community market so we would love to hear your ideas! For more information or to book a stall, call Susannah on 07530 407302 or email susannah@activlives.org.uk.