2021 Special Olympics GB National Summer Games Postponed
The announcement has recently been made, by Special Olympics GB, that the National Summer Games, which were due to be held in Liverpool in August 2021, have been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Several of our ActivLives regulars had already been selected to participate in these Games as part of the Eastern Region Badminton and Boccia squads.
“This news has come as an enormous disappointment for all of those athletes who were so looking forward to the event in Liverpool. Despite the disappointment, we all understand why the decision to postpone has been taken by Special Olympics GB”, said Mike McCarthy from ActivLives.
The announcement, made by Special Olympics GB, included the following statement:
It was agreed by all, that given the heightened risk to the athletes with intellectual disabilities, who are some of the most vulnerable people in our society and the uncertainty surrounding the impact of Covid-19, postponement is the right decision to protect our athletes and the integrity of the Games. There have been additional fundraising challenges as Covid-19 has impacted the whole of society and in particular charity fundraising.
All of us at ActivLives very much hope that these Games will be able to be re-scheduled, hopefully in 2022, and that all of the athletes get the opportunity that they have earned, to represent our region on a national stage.
If you would like to find out more the full statement can be found at https://www.specialolympicsgb.org.uk/news-media/2021-special-olympics-gb-national-summer-games-postponed