A huge THANK YOU to Thompson & Morgan!
ActivGardens volunteers and trainees have been planting bulbs kindly donated by Thompson & Morgan.
The bulbs have been made into displays and planted in our borders and are already putting up green shoots.
Come the Spring, the daffs, tulips, hyacinth and Allium will be putting a smile on everyone’s face as they bloom in vibrant colours.
The local company, just across the park from one of our sites, has also donated a huge box of seeds packed with veg and flowers.
Our volunteers and staff were so pleased – it really gave us all a boost!
Pots of bulbs are available for Mother’s Day on Saturday 13th March 2021 from Chantry Walled Garden. Please email susannah@activlives.org or call Tuesdays and Thursdays on 07530 407302 if you would like to order in advance.