‘Think you know it all?’ Answers
- What term is given to a word or phrase that reads the same backwards and forwards?
- Whais the smallest ball used in the Olympics?
Ping pong ball in Table tennis
- Which famous Saint is commemorated on the English Flag?
Saint George
- What does the Beaufort scale measure?
The strength of the wind
- How many minutes does it take the International Space Station to orbit the Earth?
Around 92 minutes – give or take!
- Who is Roddick Tong Woods better known as?
Tiger Woods – professional golfer
- When referring to a toilet, what do the letters WC stand for?
Water Closet
- What rank in the Royal Navy is the highest?
Admiral – or for an extra point, ‘Admiral of the Fleet’
- Which city held the first Olympic Games?
Athens, Greece
- How many times have England held the Olympics?
3 times – 1908, 1948 & 2012
‘In The Garden’ Answers
Seeing as this isn’t a typical quiz, here are some answers we came up with!
A – Anemone, Anise, Arrowgrass, Agave, Aloe Vera
C – Cactus, Cedar, Cinnamon, Cosmos, Cowslip
T – Tulip, Thistle, Tiger Lily, Turmeric, Thyme
I – Ivy, Iris, Ironweed, Iceberg Lettuce, Ice Cream Bean Tree
V – Venus Flytrap, Violet, Valeriam, Vine, Victoria Plum
G – Geranium, Garlic, Ginger, Grass, Grey Willow
A – Almond, Acacia, Acai, Apple tree, Avocado
R – Rose, Redwood, Rabbit’s Foot Fern, Radish, Rosemary
D – Dogwood, Daffodil, Dill, Dandelion, Daisy
E – Elm, Eucalyptus, Elderberry, Evening Primrose, English Rose
N – Nettle, Nutmeg, Needle Palm, Nigella, Nemesia
S – Sycamore, Sunflower, Sage, Silver birch, Snowdrop