‘Born to be Wild’ Answers

Can you name all of these wildflowers found at The People’s Community Garden?

  1. Stitchwort
  2. Ground Ivy
  3. Jack in the Hedge
  4. Read Dead Nettle
  5. Wild Strawberry
  6. Cow Parsley

‘Think you know it all?’ Answers

  1. Is a or o the oldest letter in the English alphabet?
    The letter ‘O’ is unchanged in shape since its adoption in the Phoenician alphabet c. 1300BC.
  1. Who won the first gold disc award for record sales?
    Glenn Miller for “Chattanooga Choo-Choo” in 1942 for surpassing 1.2 million sales
  1. According to the song, which bird sang in Berkeley Square?
    A Nightingale
  1. In The Magic Roundabout who always bounced in at the end?
  1. Before 1971,what letter what used to denote a penny?
  1. What type of oranges are usually used in marmalade?
    Seville oranges
  1. According to the old saying, what do still waters run?
    Still waters run DEEP
  1. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?
    Neil Armstrong
  1. What did Queen Victoria have two of. One in 1887 and one in 1897?
  1. Which of the seven dwarfs is the only one that is completely bald?
  1. Which fruit is dried to produce prunes?
  1. What plant is the national emblem of Scotland?
  1. Where would a Scottish person wear his tam o’shanter?
    It’s a hat – so ideally on his head!